IOS App Design

URBAN TACT Volunteer Community App

A mobile app for volunteer recruitment, collaboration and sharing feedback to help communities jumpstart Tactical Urbanism projects.


Tactical Urbanism is an approach that uses short term, low-cost, scalable interventions to catalyze long-term impact on neighborhood spaces. Common goals include to Improve street safety, revitalize public spaces, and bring communities together.

Focusing on scoping the concept of tactical urbanism into something useful to the community, my team designed a mobile app that simplifies volunteer recruitment within tactical urbanism community and enables collaboration and feedback to happen instantly.

Jump to Final Product
2 Weeks
2 Weeks
My tools
Figma, FigJam, Whimsical
The project is currently in progress! MORE cOMING SOON!

1. User Research - get to know the crowd and competitors

The most thing we heard from our user interviews was “I have never heard of tactical urbanism before”. Yes this is where we started.
We then pivoted into the volunteering experience in the past. By asking “What are some ways to find volunteer opportunities?”, 2 clear trends evolved as the cartesian plot suggests.


It is clear that 2 unique types of users emerged from the user research. This then led to the formation of  user personas of the product that we are about to design.

Ellen Tudor

A 20 yrs old college student who is a social butterfly and determined to start a volunteer in tactical urbanism.


1. Find a volunteer project that can introduce how tactical urbanism and overall urban planning work in real life.
2. A clear guideline on what the volunteer project is about and the duties of the position as she did not work for tactical urbanism projects in the past.
3. Meet and make contact with people who hold the same interests.
View Persona "Ellen Tudor"
View Journey Map
View Task Flow

Sam Young

A 25 yrs old part-time baker who is laid-back and altruistic.


1. Find volunteer opportunities in a convenient way.
2. Give back to the community through high level participation and expansion of horizons.
3. Achieve productivity and gaining experience in serving.
4. Apply his strength in project coordination through volunteer opportunities.
5. Seeking for a way to connect with the community.
View Persona "Sam Young"
View Journey Map
View Task Flow
3. Ideation - where solution comes with PRIORITIZATION

One key constraint of this project is time. It is nearly impossible to include every feature that we pictured into the design within 2-week sprint. As a group, we utilized MoSCoW method to prioritize the features that MUST be included in the design in order to meet the user goals of our personas.

Working with 4 designers is fun! But also requires a lot of coordination, especially when we are working on the same white board. To make the process efficient and consistent, we decided to have one designer creating major components across the app and the each of us takes one segment of the app to design from sketch to prototype.

4. Design system and Prototyping - present the solution

During each iteration, we performed a round of consistency check to make sure the design is consistent throughout. We also created a design system to help with the consistency.